Our company’s offer has been expanded with the new DL5 data logger, with a standard housing size of 144 x 144 mm.
Other features:
- Up to 30 input/output signals
- Inputs RTD/TC/4-20mA/0-10V/PULS/HART/Mobus Master
- Outputs realy/4-20mA/0-10V
- 5” touchscreen colour LCD
- Ethernet port, Modbus TCP Client/Server
- RS–485 port, Modbus RTU Slave
- Measurement of process values e.g. temperature, pressure, humidity, flow, level e.t.c
- Two alarms or control thresholds for each channel
- Math functions
- Results displaying as graph charts and tables
- E-mails regarding alarm states and cyclical reports with totalizers and current values (up to 5 recipients)
Detailed information is available on our website: DL5