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Data logger in square case 144 x 144 mm

Our company’s offer has been expanded with the new DL5 data logger, with a standard housing size of 144 x 144 mm. Other features: Up to 30 input/output signals Inputs RTD/TC/4-20mA/0-10V/PULS/HART/Mobus Master Outputs realy/4-20mA/0-10V 5” touchscreen colour LCD Ethernet port, Modbus TCP Client/Server RS–485 port, Modbus RTU Slave Measurement of process values e.g. temperature, pressure, […]

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Viewing archived results on the display

In the latest free firmware update of the DL7 data logger, we have added the option of viewing archived data directly on the display of the device. The results are displayed as a graph Up to six channels can be displayed on one graph at the same time Depending on the archiving frequency, a different […]

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Monitoring of temperature in a medical refrigerator, sensors calibration

The use of the DL2/DL7 data logger and sensors for temperature measurement enables monitoring operation of the refrigerator.  Advanced recording of process values with CRC control of archive files and use of alarm functions can be a confirmation of the conditions in which products were stored. Using the optional battery supply module (PS_BATT), device operation […]

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Automatic Web server refresh

In the latest firmware version of DL2 and DL7 data loggers and FP4 flow totalizer we added automatic Web server refresh. We encourage you to update firmware in your device. Due to this change, the user will be able to view the current values without interfering with the web server. Please contact us for a […]

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Longer battery operating time and increased number of available measurement inputs

Using a double battery pack, the DL7 recorder in a  in the shockproof case  can work without external power for up to 48 hours ( depending on the number and types of installed I/O modules  and the power consumption of the connected sensors or transducers).Additionally, it is possible to install other M12 sockets. This solution […]

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HART module in DL2/DL7 data logger

DL2 and DL7 data logger are extend with new IN1HRT module, which enable communication with devices equipped with HART protocole. DL2 data logger allowes to read up to 30 measurement, DL7 up to 100 measurement. Transducers can be connect via multidrop mode (maximum 15 devices connect to one module). More information in APPLICATION NOTES

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Flow recording in an open channel using the Parshall flume according to iso 9826

The use of the DL2/DL7 data logger, Parshall flume and ultrasonic probe enables measurement of volumetric flow in an open channel. The datalogger calculates the flow based on the height of the medium (measured by the probe) and entered math formula. The data recorded by the DL2/DL7 data logger enable analysis of the system operation […]

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Compressed air flow measurement based on thermal flowmeter and FP4 flow totalizer

The measurement of compressed air flow enables the analysis and control of medium consumption in an industrial plant. The measurement can be made based on e.g. thermal flowmeter, volumetric flowmeter or orifice. The measurement of the compressed air flow based on the thermal flowmeter is described below. More information in APPLICATION NOTES

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Bolier power limitation control

To fulfilment the requirements of the European Parliament directive on the limitation of emissions of some pollutants into the air from medium combustion plants, it may be necessary to limit the boiler power. The use of the FP-30×1(N) flow computer, measuring sensors and relays can switch off the boiler after exceeding the indicated value of […]

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Flow computer with two differential pressure transmitters application

In the case of orifice measurements, it is often necessary to determine the value of the flow rate over a large range while maintaining a relatively high measurement accuracy. For this purpose, two differential pressure transmitters Δp and a FP-30×1(N) flow computer are used in the system. More information in APPLICATION NOTES

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Use of the FP-30×1(N) flow computer in the application with using glycol

Using FP-30×1(N) flow computer it is possible to compute flow and energy for liquids other than water. In such system, values are based on density and enthalpy user tables. The manufacturers of liquids based on glycol for heating/cooling applications usually do not supply detailed specification on density and enthalpy depending on temperature. More information in […]

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PS_BATT module as a backup power supply in the DL2/Dl7 data logger

The PS_BATT battery module enables backup power supply of the DL2/DL7 data logger in the event of a power outage. The described application enables uninterrupted device operating and ensures the continuity of the archiving process. The module can also be installed in a portable case dedicated to the DL7 data logger (device operation in on-off […]

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New functions in DL2 and DL7 data loggers and FP4 flow totalizer

In the latest version DL2 and DL7 the TREND function has been extended from 6 minutes to 1 hour. This allows user to analyse measurements on the device screen over a longer period of time without need data transfer to the computer system. In DL2, DL7 and FP4 new function allows to adjust the real-time […]

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DL7 data logger in the shockproof case

DL7 Case KIT enables operating the DL7 data logger using storage batteries (from 3 to 12 hours, depending on the number and types of installed I/O modules) or operating the DL7 device using delivered external power supply unit and standby supplying in the event of voltage break (backup). The device enables supplying sensors or transducers […]

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Email notifications

E-mail notifications on DL2, DL7, DL7L recorders and FP4 counter New feature, new possibilities: – an e-mail message when an alarm occurs, – notifications can be sent even to 5 recipients at the same time, – cyclical report with sumator values ​​in daily, weekly or monthly mode,, – regular access to the value of the […]

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Wall enclosure for DL2 and DL7

We are pleased to announce that flow totalizer is available in wall mounting case: FP4W. We invite you to get familiar with our new products.  

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mLog software in new version

We are pleased to announce that mLog software has been extended with a new module. New module enable to read and visualization of process values (table, single values, chart, bar graph, possibility of adding additional own graphic) from many computers (for many operators). We invite you to contact us for information on access to the new function.

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Modbus TCP (Client) in DL2 and DL7 devices

We are pleased to inform, that in our instruments there is a new function that allows reading measurements from other devices using the Modbus TCP protocol. The new function allows reading of values from twenty independent devices. We invite you to contact us for information on access to the new function in your devices.

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New functionality in devices in housing for wall-mounted

We are pleased to inform that devices in housing for wall-mounted have an extended operating temperature range. From now on, the instruments can work at temperatures below 0°C. The operating temperature for MPI-DN, FP-3011N and FP-3021N devices is – 20°C … 50°C, while for the FP-3031N device it is – 20°C … 40°C. In addition, […]

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Analogue outputs module OUT3 dedicated to devices DL7

We are pleased to announce that we have expanded our range to include new measuring module OUT3 dedicated to devices DL7. The most important features of the module: – 3 galvanically separated channels of analogue outputs, each can work as a power source or a voltage source in the following ranges: 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-24mA, 0-5V, 0-10V, […]

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Change of company address and telephone number

Dear Sir or Madam, We would like to inform you that from 4 April the telephone number and address company has changed. New telephone number: +48 12 312 16 80. New address: PL31- 426 Krakow, St. Zmujdzka 3, Poland  

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